The Gospel of Judas
I’ve recently been reading the Gospel of Judas—mainly because people have been asking for my views on the document. This ancient text is fairly new as far as scholars are concerned, since it was only recovered as recently as 1971, and the fact that we have it at all is pretty amazing. With all the current buzz surrounding lost books and lost gospels (kick-started by Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code) it was obvious that the media were going to zero in on this gospel, and they did so as sensationally as they could (well, sensationalism sells). The angle was that Judas was not really a villain at all, but a very devout man who was doing God’s will; history has misjudged him.
That is the viewpoint of the gospel.
However, this isn’t a new idea to New Testament scholars. Let’s consider the options, The Gospel of Judas first. In this ancient gospel, Jesus tells Judas, ‘You shall be cursed for generations…for you will sacrifice the man that clothes me.’ The ‘man that clothes me’ bit is pretty standard Gnostic and Docetist stuff, but applied to Judas it is striking. What it means is that Jesus, as a spiritual being, was in human form but the time had come for him to shed that body, so Judas was doing Jesus’ will by doing a deal with the priests. The detail that Judas was paid by the priests to deliver Jesus is not disputed in the gospel. It also means that Judas delivered Jesus to ensure his own salvation.
I have always had a problem with this kind of Jesus, and for this reason don’t find most of the non-canonical (not in the bible) gospels exciting.
But the traditional dogma that Jesus died for our sins (as a kind of sacrifice) has never convinced me either. For if that is true, then again Judas is doing what Jesus wants him to do. And if Judas knows that he is doing Jesus’ will, then why do the biblical gospels say he was filled with despair and killed himself? On the other hand, if he was doing Jesus’ will, but didn’t know it, then he was mightily abused—and I don’t believe that either.
The docetist view would be that, since Jesus was never really human anyway, it didn’t matter delivering him to the authorities, for he wouldn’t actually suffer, even if he appeared to. With this view any Jesus worth knowing about disappears completely, so I won’t go any further with this one.
There are three other possibilities, all of them treating Jesus as fully human and not as a god-man (what is what I personally believe). The first two of these are rooted in the notion that Judas was a zealot or at least some kind of freedom-fighter, and that he acted to either stir Jesus into action or to provoke a popular uprising through his arrest. That nothing happened except that his Teacher was crucified drove him to despair and suicide.
There is a last view though. This is an economic one, and is what I have over the years come to conclude. I think Jesus died because he threatened big business in much the same way that Columbian Presidents who act against the drug barons in their country also get wiped out. During the Jewish Passover, thousands—some scholars say at least a million—of people went to Jerusalem. They were expected to pay Temple taxes and offer sacrifices. The Temple tax had to be paid in Temple money, and the priests made a huge profit through changing Roman money for Temple coins. The priests also made a huge profit from selling the animals offered for sacrifice. Jesus came along and upset the money-changers’ tables and set loose the sacrificial animals, saying ‘The Temple (my father’s House) has become a den of thieves.’ This was a move extremely popular with the crowds, but provoked the priests’ anger because it threatened their lucrative business. So they made an arrangement to have him killed. Maybe Judas thought Jesus would escape, as he had done in the past, or maybe he was promised something else by the priests, I don’t know. But Jesus died, and Judas realised his mistake too late.