Women! There seems to be some invisible but inexorable law working against we men in the cosmos. Consider this:
a woman keeps calling you and mailing you and telling you how she loves you and misses you and wants to spend time with you. You're busy, and you have other coals in the fire, but you decide to make some time and you meet this woman in town. The two of you go for a walk, but every phone call you recieve and every message you get and every friend you greet makes her more and more jealous. Soon, your companion is so worked-up sour that she's a regular Miss Pout. This is not what you needed in your life. Then you get a message from another friend who is on the other side of town and can you meet there for a coffee? You're very tempted, but you want to do the right thing, so you reply that you can't make it just now. You walk on with Miss Pout, and then you turn the corner... and the one who said she was the other side of town is standing there reading your just-sent message. She looks up, sees you, and greets you with a smile and a hug. Miss Pout becomes Miss Devil incarnate!
You've tried to do your best, but you've messed up again. No fault of your own--the cosmos is working against you.